When algae meet bacteria: coexistence, growth and applications

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Event Time 13:50 - 15:15
Calendar 2024-04-16

When algae meet bacteria: coexistence, growth and applications

Chair: Anne Pajot 

Between mutualism and parasitism, the coexistence of algae and bacteria within the phycosphere (a zone around the algal cell composed of bacteria benefitting from this close proximity) has developed throughout the stages of evolution, influencing each other's physiological and metabolic processes synergistically in various ecological contexts. In marine ecosystems particularly, both organisms coexist in intricate relationships.

This interdependency highlights the crucial role of co-cultures in sustaining marine productivity. Moreover, bacteria contribute to algal health by mitigating stressors such as reactive oxygen species, thus enhancing their resilience against environmental fluctuations. Understanding these co-culture dynamics is pivotal in marine ecology, as they shape the productivity and stability of marine ecosystems.

Studying bacterial-algal interactions in planktonic communities provides valuable insights into the functioning and resilience of marine ecosystems in the face of anthropogenic pressures. The phycosphere plays important roles in the ecology and physiology of algae. It can influence algae growth, nutrient cycling, disease resistance, and stress tolerance. In addition to enhancing algae culture growth rate, algal productivity, and reducing dependence on supplied nutrients, several emerging applications are considered using algae-bacteria interactions: wastewater treatment (nutrient removal), bioremediation, bloom control, biotechnology (bio refineries, sustainable aquaculture systems), production of bioactive compounds and other useful metabolites.


1. Algae, both macro and micro, often form symbiotic bonds with bacteria.

2. Certain microalgae rely on bacterial coexistence for growth and metabolite biosynthesis.

3. Some microalgae depend on bacteria-produced vitamins and compounds for essential nutrients.

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16 April

When algae meet bacteria: coexistence, growth and applications

When algae meet bacteria: coexistence, growth and applications: Anne Pajot, post-doc Researcher at CEA, France


Anne Pajot, post-doc Researcher at CEA, France


Opening and welcome by EABA

Léa Braud, Innovation Manager EABA


Diatom Cultures and Bacteria

Victor Chepurnov, Co-founder, Technology and Product Developer at TomAlgae BV (Belgium)


Study of microalgae-bacteria interactions using reductionist approaches

Enora Briand, Researcher at Ifremer, Nantes (France), GENALG Laboratory


Could Algae - Bacteria Partnership Accelerate the Growth and Lipid Production of Marine Benthic Diatoms?

Nadeeshani Dehel Gamage, PhD candidate at Nantes University (France)


Microalgae and bacteria co-cultivation in membrane bioreactors

Shahla Radmehr, Junior Researcher at LUT Firmatiimi (Finland, Iran)


When algae meet bacteria in wastewater

Maja Berden-Zrimec, Head of the research group and project manager at Algen (Slovenia)


Debate and Q&A

Anne Pajot with all participants and the speakers


End of webinar


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