Contaminants in algae: where do we stand, what do we need ?

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Location ONLINE
Event Time 13:50 - 15:15
Calendar 2024-04-23

Contaminants in algae: where do we stand, what do we need ?

Chair: Monique Ras 

Contaminants in algae as food pose significant health and environmental concerns, demanding focused attention and effective solutions. Algae's unique ability to bioaccumulate substances from their environment means they can concentrate contaminants like heavy metals, pesticides, and toxins from harmful algal blooms (HABs). Understanding the extent and impact of these contaminants is crucial for ensuring the safety of algae-based food products.

Currently, our understanding of contaminants in algae as food is incomplete. While research has identified various sources of contamination and their potential risks, significant gaps persist regarding the precise levels of contamination, mechanisms of bioaccumulation, and long-term effects on human health. To address this issue effectively, comprehensive monitoring programs are needed to assess contamination levels in algae-based food products and their raw materials. These programs should employ advanced analytical techniques to detect a wide range of contaminants and track their presence over time.

Efforts to mitigate contamination in algae-based food products must prioritize prevention and remediation strategies. This includes implementing stringent regulations on industrial discharge, agricultural runoff, and aquaculture practices to minimize contamination in algae cultivation environments. Additionally, promoting sustainable farming practices and investing in wastewater treatment technologies can help reduce the introduction of contaminants into algae ecosystems.


1. Identify chemical contaminants governing algae content in food applications.

2. Discuss microbiological contaminants, specifically in the context of algae for food.

3. Examine regulatory constraints on nutrition and toxicity, posing potential limitations to the commercialization of both microalgae and seaweed.

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23 April

Contaminants in algae: where do we stand, what do we need ?

Contaminants in algae: where do we stand, what do we need ?: Monique Ras - CTO at Marine Biologics, France


Monique Ras - CTO at Marine Biologics, France


Opening and welcome by EABA

Carlos Unamunzaga, EABA President


Specifications for seaweed and microalgae : the main limitations for commercialization as food

Hélène Marfaing, Food applications Project Manager, CEVA, France


Norwegian risk management of food safety for seaweed

Solbjørg Hogstad, Senior Advisor, Norwegian Food Safety Authority, Norway


How we demonstrated in Qualitalg why threshold could higher to contribute to european citizen health

Jean Baptiste Wallaert, President of the "Chambre syndicale des Algues et vegetaux Marins", France


Status of US Seaweed Aquaculture and Food Safety

Anoushka Concepcion, Associate Extension Educator in Marine Aquaculture, University of Connecticut, USA


Contaminants in algal products: short overview of regulatory and analytical aspects

Silvio Mangini, Scientific Officer, Archimede Ricerche srl, Italy


Debate and Q&A

Monique Ras with all participants and the speakers


End of the webinar

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