Biorefinery and applications for Rugulopteryx

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Calendar 2023-04-12

Biorefinery and applications for Rugulopteryx

EABA is organizing a new type of webinar on selected topics, with this one focusing on Biorefinery and applications for Rugulopteryx.

We have selected 5 experts to present 7 to 10 minutes each, followed by 1 or 2 questions, and then we conclude with a final debate and conclusions lasting 10 minutes.

EABA is organising the webinar to generate interest in and applications for this invasive species, which is becoming a relevant ecological problem in the Mediterranean and across Macaronesia.

The presentations will cover science, technology, and business aspects of the topic. The final outcome will be an in-depth understanding, in just 60 minutes, of the potential of this specific algae-related topic.

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