Asparagopsis for methane reduction in cow feeds

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Calendar 2023-03-14

Asparagopsis for methane reduction in cow feeds

Currently, livestock productions are responsible for more than 14,5% of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions to atmosphere. As a natural by-product of the microbial fermentation in the digestive tract, cows farms are largely contributing to the production and therefore the emission of methane, one of the main GHG. If a country, the Republic of Cows would be the 3rd biggest methane emitter on the planet. 

To answer this issue, one possible solution has been demonstrated by numerous and robust studies since 2014, when it was first discovered in Australia: The integration of a red algae from genus Asparagopsis into cow feed drastically reduces, up to 90% or more, methane production by the digestive tract of cows!Join us to know more about this fascinating topic on our first webinar of 2023, co-organized with seaExpert : Asparagopsis for methane reduction in cow feeds

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